Sunday, April 5, 2015

Julie's Birthday - Semana Santa and Easter/General Conference... Mostly just photos

Flower petals for Semana Santa (Holy Week) processions

Beggars in the cathedral doors

Plastic bottle collector



Wooden utensil vendor

Blind beggar

Crying man

Bread carter

Easter/Conference/B-day dinner with Senior Missionaries and President and Sister Harbertson

Watching Conference

Julie's cake
We had a kind of a crazy week getting ready for two forced days off. (National Holiday)We worked like mad for the first three days.

On Sunday, Rich had planned a sort of surprise birthday dinner for Julie with the Mission President, his wife and the other senior couples working here in Cusco. The beans got spilled and so we just had everybody over to eat New Mexican food that Rich mostly made. Then we watched the afternoon session of conference. Rich did not make the cake...We had a pretty wonderful day of it.

We have to go to Lima to finish Rich's passport renewal process. We are sure that will have some tasty tidings in the next blog.


  1. I wished Julie chocolate for her birthday but had no idea she would dive into it with so much enthusiasm. That cake!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Julie! We love you!
