Saturday, July 13, 2013

Camera Shy

Our heads are spinning after our week in the Church Office Building and not just from eating lunch everyday on the 26th floor! We have terms such as “grayscale,” “pixels,” “LSI,” “white board,” “full array,” “crop 90⁰,” “gutter,” and “fully blocked,” swimming around in our heads. We have “wedged,” “taped,” and “clamped” our way through massive books, torn legal documents, slips of paper and attachments.  WHEW!  It’s a good thing there are two of us so we can help each other remember all the camera and book adjustments that need to be made! After our “attempts” at taking our photos our trainer sent us down to auditing for several hours. That was very informative and humbling!  The auditor showed us all of our mistakes, blown up to 200%! Who knew that this whole process of taking photos of these documents was so tricky and picky!! We actually had a lot of fun with the two other Senior Couples; the McIntyres who are going to the Dominican Republic and the Moores who will be in Washington D.C. This is the Moore’s 6th mission! We have a ways to go!
One of the hazards of wearing a missionary name tag is that people assume that you know things. Complete strangers asked us how to get to the genealogical library, how to get to Welfare Square how to get to the airport. We could answer the airport question, everything else we just had to smile and shake our heads, and look lost ourselves. It has been a great week, we visited the Bloomers who just returned from their mission to Peru and they filled us in on the latest and greatest. We just spoke with President Robert Harbertson our new mission president. He just arrived a week ago. He’s excited for us to get there… he said he has lots of work for us! I imagine we won’t be kicking back, eating passion fruit and watching the sun set ;)  We leave for Peru on Monday, July 15, so our next installment will be from Lima. Hasta entonces.

Our Equipment 1

Our Equipment 2
Brother Jones,the Moores, Haslers, and McIntyres

While we have been at the MTC and in training in Salt Lake, we have been staying at Rich’s brother Steve and his wife, Nan’s house in Provo Canyon. The house is set in a gorgeous, Wasatch Mountain setting and is absolutely idyllic.  I only wish I had time to paint here. Still, to wind down at night, we  have had the opportunity to get acquainted  with their new little  girls. Beyond all else, they love grapes… This is the third time they have raised raccoons.
 Eating grapes 1
 Eating grapes 2
Rich's brother Steve

1 comment:

  1. To be completely honest, I find the raccoons far more compelling than the cameras.... ;) But seriously, I can't wait to read more about what you find!
