Monday, March 10, 2014

March Mariachis and a Dog Brassiere

We attended a wedding Thursday night. Here in Peru by law couples must have a civil marriage before they have a church wedding.  Helene is French Canadian, and Albricktz, Peruvian. They are members of the church, return missionaries and went to the temple in Lima on Saturday after their marriage/reception Thursday night.  The invitation for Thursday said 6pm and we thought that they, being return missionaries, etc. would be punctual…

Arriving at the hotel banquet hall at 5:59pm, we found people still setting the tables, bringing in the food, etc. so we went back home, got the camera we forgot, milled around the house, ate  a candy bar and took our time getting back. We arrived the second time about 6:50pm, a few more people had begun to arrive so we sat next to the Stake President and his wife and waited… The Wanchaq mayor and his assistant showed up promptly, at 7:15... with the official books, the room was beautifully decorated; gorgeous flowers, and draperies adorned the walls and finally at 7:30pm in came the bride and groom.  It was a quick ceremony, the couple and their witnesses signed the books and put their fingerprints in the appropriate places. Then the party began. 

An enthusiastic MC announced the loud music. Dancing was obligatory and food abounded.  They served dinner about 9:30pm (really all food in the mountains of Peru is based on pork, lamb or chicken and corn or potatoes (alternatively known as, food of the gods)). They served lechón (roasted baby pork), tamales, rocotto relleno (a stuffed spicy pepper) and moraya (freeze dried-reconstituted potato). It was yummy and we had a great time.

Saturday, we drove to Abancay with President and Sister Harbertson. Abancay is 3 ½ hours from Cusco over incredible switchback roads. The vistas are breathtaking with the snowcapped peaks, green fields, roaring rivers and waterfalls. We traveled there for a special priesthood meeting to make the Curahuasi branch part of the Abancay District.  We had a wonderful though tiring trip.
We met the Sandbergs, a new  couple  who are serving as member support missionaries in Abancay, a great couple. He served his 19 year old mission here when I was three... We left after the second sacrament meeting on Sunday to head back to Cusco. The Harbertson’s stayed on for more meetings. We had an Institute meeting at 6:30pm and by the time we finally got home at 9:30pm we were wiped out. Hence, we are  getting the  blog out a bit late.

Carnaval is still going on with water fights, foam and water balloons. We saw lots of drenched kids and every neighborhood had, “Yunsa,” trees decorated and loaded with gifts (wool blankets to  wash tubs, t-shirts to soccer balls) waiting for the dancing, drinking and wielding of an axe to chop the trees down. It’s kind of like a giant piñata. Once the tree falls, everyone races to grab something.  We watched in Abancay Saturday night while locals danced around the tree and took turns with the axe. We saw the activities pretty early on so it was still relatively sane. We have seen these over the years and people tend to get pretty loopy on the chicha (corn beer). Once the drinking really gets going, swinging an axe, no matter how dull, just seems like a bad idea.

We marvel every day that we are here and enjoying the adventures and sights. We are healthy and wouldn't tell anyone if we weren't! We love the people and the work and can’t think of anything we would rather do or anywhere we’d rather be at this time!

Yunsa #1

Yunsa Dance

Yunsa #2

Yunsa #3

Yunsa #4

Water-fight assailants
Water-fight assailants/victims...???

Carnaval Waterfight Promoter
Just  Restin'

Recycled Brassiere-harness

Garbage Patrol
Selling her snacks

Pondering campesino



Photo Hawkers

Albricktz and Helene at their wedding with the  Marineros Norteños

Marinera Norteña Wedding Show 1

Marinera Norteña Wedding Show 2

Peruvian Mariachis??? Wedding Show

Flower seller

Catching a few Zs...


  1. As usual, loved the post and pictures. The wedding pictures brought back a tender memory. One time my parents came to NM for a visit - two days - a long stay for them. I took them to Old Town where a wedding had just been performed at the church there. Everyone was dressed in the white clothes with black trim and the flowered setting was gorgeous. My dad was quite taken with the scene. Thanks for the memories, as the song goes.

    1. We always enjoy your comments, makes us not feel quite so far away:) Big hugs!
